seen in many years. As of this moment the death toll has reached
of water borne disease like what occurred in Haiti.So far they have
not seen any instance of these illnesses but they are keeping an eye
out for in case these diseases do begin to show up. This seems unlikely
since what led to these outbreaks in Haiti was the lack of sanitation and safe water sources. Thailand is in a lot better shape as far as sanitation is concerned then Haiti was. I'm relieved that Thailand doesn't have as much to fear from sanitation as was experienced in Haiti, but I'm hoping that when relief efforts go to Thailand they will continue to improve the conditions of the people that are living there. Unrelated to the article, but still important, apparently the UN was sued due to a report that was filed that said that there was a good chance that the relief workers who went to help out in Haiti most likely caused the outbreak of the disease due to poor sanitation on their base. It's sad when the people who are supposedly there to help end up causing more harm then good by being there.
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